I've been gearing up to go back to work at Groff's Plant Farm in Kirkwood, PA. Not as full-time as previously but a couple days a week. I love the place. Best place in the area to buy annuals, herbs, perennials & shrubs. I have to admit, I pretty much spend about a quarter of my paycheck there. I try to limit it to 10% but . . . .. . l don't always succeed. On the off days, I quilt, photo quilts, post soaps on L Maurer Creations on Etsy or L Maurer Creations on Facebook. It's quite amazing the time it takes to get all this stuff going. Even so, I'm "totally" looking forward to the summer and the garden. Quilts are my winter garden and flowers are for the summer. I will be posting each quilt in a different post. That's probably the easiest way to go. Happy reading ! Linda